Developing Qualified NDT Procedures & The Technical Justification Process - 1st Edition
Written by an expert NDT Research Scientist, this textbook provides essential guidelines for developing qualified NDT procedures. Documentation requirements and the process of creating a strong procedure are not commonly known to NDT personnel. Several topics are discussed in details in this book, including:
- NDT Documentation: Written instructions, procedure components, technical justifications, training plans, experiments and studies as stipulated in qualification standards. Also, the recommended contents and purpose for each document are discussed.
- Technical Justification: Essential and influential parameters are listed for both Eddy Current Testing and Ultrasonic Testing methods. Common studies required in technical justification documents are shown with real examples.
- Probability of Detection Evaluation: The mathematics of probability of detection is discussed in great detail. Every common POD model is solved from first principles. Model-Assisted Probability of Detection algorithms and usage techniques are explained, from model selection to performance optimization.
- NDT Studies & Experiments: Guidance is provided for performing, analyzing and reporting a variety of NDT Studies and Experiments. Several real example studies for noise, coverage, POD, probability of false call, and modeling examples for both ECT/ECAT and UT/PAUT are included.