About us
Eclipse Scientific is known globally for providing innovative software and textbooks to our diverse customers and the nondestructive testing (NDT) industry. Specializing in phased array ultrasonic testing and eddy current testing, our significant technical expertise is second to none for improving inspection reliability, repeatability, and efficiency.
We're proud to introduce the 8th generation of BeamTool, the world’s most popular application for fast, easy, open technique development for NDT. Eclipse's innovation is fueled by customer feedback as proven with our new features: DLA & DMA Probes with Focal Law Export, Beam Highlighting and Focal Law Delay Visualization, Asymmetrical Welds, Clad Material Support, Transverse Probes, Improved CAD Tools, Sound Mode Colorization, Compound S-Scan, Dissimilar Weld Material, 3D Sound Paths Ray-tracer, Inset Backing Bar, Custom Velocity Modes with Path Cropping, Double J Welds, Transverse Angle Measurements and additional High Temp Wedges.